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SDI reduction:
from 10 to 2
The SDI (Silt Density Index) is used to determine the fouling and clogging potential of particulate and fine colloidal materials that may be present in the feed-water.
The Oil & Gas industry typically uses feed-water with SDI<3.

SDI reduction in sea water vs “conventional” technologies

Data: IFREMER – TOTAL 2014
Initial discharge water

99% water reclamation

95% of oil extracted into 1% of volume

Parameters | Upstream concentration (mg/L) | Downstream concentration (mg/L) | Removal (%) |
PT | 31,6 | 2,72 | 91 |
NTK | 270 | 108 | 60 |
NGL | 270 | 108 | 60 |
BOD5 | 5291 | 851 | 84 |
COD | 9980 | 1626 | 84 |
TSS | 4400 | 370 | 92 |

2 VAL 900
Wastewater treatment: 50 to 100m3/day
1,000 kg fat per day
TSS inlet: 4 to 6 g/l
Collected sludge: 1 to 2% of volume
Sludge concentration: 140g/L = 14%

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